GRETA Associati (Venice, Italy), Intesa Sanpaolo (Milan, Italy), Lince (Milan, Italy), Finanziaria Internazionale (Conegliano, Italy), Financial Innovations (Milan, Italy) and Banca d'Italia (Venice, Italy) are co-sponsors of a Conference to be held in Venice on September 24 - 25, 2009. The objective of the Conference is to bring together academics, practitioners and PhD students working in the area of credit risk modeling to discuss credit risk at time of financial crisis and the impact of macroeconomic factors on pricing risky debt, financial distress, recovery rates, and banking stability. The Conference will provide an opportunity for participants engaged in research at the forefront of this area to discuss both the causes and implications of recent events in financial markets and may, in turn, suggest fruitful directions for future research. The Conference, organised under the auspices of the Department of Economics of the University Ca'Foscari of Venice and ABI - Italian Banking Association, is the eighth of a series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.

  The organizers encourage submissions of papers on any topic within the overall theme of the conference and in the following areas in particular:
Impact of the financial crisis and banking instability on credit markets;
Credit risk and business cycles;
The interplay between the real and financial sides of the macroeconomy;
Modeling the economics of financial crises.


The final program will include both submitted and invited papers. Acceptances received so far from invited speakers include Martin Hellwig (Max Planck Institute), Francesco Garzarelli (Goldman Sachs), Christopher Mayer (Columbia Business School) and Ken Singleton (Stanford University). The Conference will also feature a panel discussion on researchers' and practitioners’ views of the major outstanding problems.


Ilya Strebulaev,
Stanford University (Programme Chair)
Viral Acharya,
New York University, London Business School & CEPR

Monica Billio,
University of Venice and GRETA
Darrel Duffie
Stanford University
Robert Goldstein,
University of Minnesota
David Lando,
Copenhagen Business School

Stephen Schaefer
London Business School
Allan Timmermann
University of California San Diego

Monica Billio,

Emanuele Facile
Financial Innovations
Andrea Giacomelli
Milovan Milovic
Loriana Pelizzon,

Domenico Sartore
Silvio Cuneo,
Intesa Sanpaolo

Credit Risk Evaluation Designed for Institutional Targeting in finance

Credit Risk, Financial Crises, and Macroeconomy

Venice, 24 - 25 September 2009
last updating:
29 May 2009




Intesa San Paolo

Finanziaria Internazionale

Financial Innovations