International Conferences on Sovereign Bond Markets

Determinants of Sovereign Bonds Yields and the Effectiveness of Central Bank Intervention

March 10-11, 2015

European Central Bank, C2.01/02
Frankfurt am Main

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2nd International Conference on Sovereign Bond Markets.

The conference this year focuses on Determinants of Sovereign Bonds Yields and the Effectiveness of Central Bank Intervention.

We solicit papers in the following areas, but other related areas may also be considered:

  • Impact of non-standard measures on sovereign bond markets;
  • Credit risk, sustainability and market malfunctioning: drivers of euro area sovereign bond spreads;
  • The role of derivatives markets in the pricing and trading of sovereign bonds;
  • Stress in sovereign debt markets: measurement and impact on yield curve dynamics.

The final program will include both submitted and invited papers and a keynote speaker: Raghuram Rajan (Governor of the Reserve Bank of India). The Conference will also feature a panel discussion on researchers' and practitioners' views on the major outstanding issues in sovereign bond markets.


The Scientific Committee for the Frankfurt Conference

Robert F. Engle, NYU Stern

Jun Uno, Waseda University

Paolo Pasquariello, University of Michigan

Monica Billio, University of Venice

Loriana Pelizzon, Research Center SAFE - Goethe University Frankfurt

Toshinao Yoshiba, Bank of Japan

Simone Manganelli, European Central Bank

Michael Fleming, Federal Reserve



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