International Conferences on Sovereign Bond Markets

Call for Papers

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, many central banks have engaged in quantitative easing (QE) by buying massive amounts of bonds and other securities from market participants in order to provide liquidity to the markets, reduce the cost of capital, and ultimately foster economic growth. Although such monetary policy measures seem to have had the desired effects in the domestic economy, there are still many open questions about the global impact of QE (and its subsequent unwinding) on the stability of financial markets and financial institutions, not only in industrialized countries but also in emerging markets.

We solicit theoretical and empirical papers on the interactions between financial intermediation and sovereign debt markets. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Unconventional monetary policies and normalization of the monetary policy and
    • the pricing of financial assets
    • the risk taking by banks
    • the spillover effects to other developed and emerging markets
    • financial market liquidity.
  • Basel III capital and liquidity ratio and their impact on the sovereign bond markets
  • Monetary policy and financial stability in a post-crisis world
  • Derivatives regulation (Dodd-Frank and EMIR) and fixed income derivative markets
  • Transparency regulation (MIFID II) and the market microstructure of sovereign bond markets
  • Primary markets for sovereign debt

Papers in related areas may also be considered.

Those wishing to present a paper at the Conference should submit by December 1, 2018 to

Decisions regarding acceptance will be made by February 1, 2019.

The final version of accepted papers must be received by March 1, 2019.

A limited travel budget is available for presenters and discussants to help defray travel and lodging expenses.



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