Friday, 26 February 2021 17:53

European and Chinese Consumers' Attitude for Food with Reduced Use of Chemicals: Results from a Survey

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Mazzarolo M, Ferraro G, Zolin M B, Mannino I 

Additional Info

  • Published in: Mazzarolo Martina; Ferraro Giacomo; Mannino Ilda; Zolin M.Bruna, European and Chinese Consumers’ Attitude for Food with Reduced Use of Chemicals: Results from a Survey, ISTE Ltd, vol. 9, pp. 197-216
  • Year: 2020
  • Abstract: Through survey analysis, this chapter aims at illustrating the factors that influence the food choices of European and Chinese consumers. Data to investigate consumers’ behavior relating to food purchase were collected through a survey that gathered 657 questionnaires in 2016–2017. Data processing and analysis were addressed at discovering whether there are patterns of consumers’ behavior and, in particular, on their willingness to pay, in relation to integrated pest management (IPM). Descriptive statistics were used to identify possible different patterns of behavior between the European and the Chinese respondents. Then, the regression models, using the ordinary least‐squares method, allowed us to verify the relationship between the perceived familiarity with IPM and the willingness to pay a higher price for IPM products and vice versa, as well as the relationship between the purchase of IPM products (in the six months before the survey) and the willingness to pay a higher price for IPM products.
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Bruna Zolin

Professor in Economics - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Economics

GRETA Promoting partner and Director of the Area Programming Evaluation