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What we do


GRETA Associati is organised as a network of individuals and corporations or official bodies with the aim of providing qualified services in response to the increasing demand for analyses and predictions in the various fields of economic and social life, both national and international. This network structure permits immediate access to the resources necessary to meet the demands of industry and the services sector, providing solutions based on the most up to date methods in the fields of economics, econometrics, mathematics, statistics and their interdisciplinary relationships. Moreove it is encouraged the formation of new aggregates or groups, even informal ones, to develop activities of research and consultancy. This explains the choice of the company name of GRETA Associati.

Because of its aims, the tools utilised and its organisational flexibility, GRETA Associati presents itself as an advanced research centre for any private company or bank or public organisation that might need to analyse problems directly related to the achievement of their objectives, and find a practical solution, at the same time avoiding the necessity of setting up its own research centre, often costly and often characterised by a rigid structure which is difficult to keep up to date.

Since 1993, thank to the integration of the experience of professionals matured in the field of managerial consulting and economic-quantitative knowledge developed within itself, GRETA provides, in addition to the traditional activities of management consulting, econometric and statistical models for operational purposes, constructed to measure the interrelationships in a company's strategic variables.

The consultancy activities of GRETA are directed to companies that operate in both the public and private sectors, focusing mainly on functional areas in which the use of advanced quantitative methods and the consultant's problem-solving approach, applied to management problems, permit the rationalisation of decisional processes.

GRETA specialisation in finance covers the following fields:

GRETA also carries out consultancy in the field of quantitative analysis applied to the solution of management problems in industrial companies and the financial and credit sectors. It carries out appraisals of companies using innovative models and organises advanced professional training courses.


About GRETA Research Areas Products&Services

What we do
Principal clients
How to reach

Risk Management
Systemic Risk
Asset Allocation
Financial Portfolio Analysis & Evaluation
Option Pricing
Scenario Analysis
Statistical Research

Monthly Econometric Financial International Model - MEFIM
Econometric Financial Regional Model - MEFR
Global Asset Model - GAM
GRETA Pension Fund Performance - GRETA-PFP
GRETA Regional Econometric Model - GREM

Events Pubblications  
Sovereign Bond Markets Conferences
CREDIT Conferences
JAE 2005

Recent pubblications
Old GRETA Working Papers

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