International Conferences on Sovereign Bond Markets


       Co-organizers: Paolo Pasquariello & Marti G. Subrahmanyam


Friday, April 15 2016

08.00 - 8.45 Breakfast


08.45 _- 08.55 Welcome


08.55 _- 09.30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS by Prof. Robert Engle, recipient of the 2003 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
09.30 _- 12.20 Session 1: Financial Externalities
Session Chair: Viral Acharya (New York University)
09.30 _- 10.20 Monetary Policy Through Production Networks: Evidence from the Stock Market
Ali Ozdagli (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Michael Weber (University of Chicago)
Discussant: Clara Vega (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
10.20 _- 10.30 Break
10.30 _- 11.20 Interest Rate Uncertainty, Hedging and Real Activity
Lorenzo Bretscher (London School of Economics)
Lukas Schmid (Duke University)
Andrea Vedolin (London School of Economics)
Discussant: Leonid Kogan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11.20 - 11.30 Break
11.30 _- 12.20 The Costs of Quantitative Easing: Liquidity and Market Functioning Effects of Federal Reserve MBS Purchases
John Kandrac (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
Discussant: Michael Fleming (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
12.30 - 14.00


FIRESIDE CHAT with Chairman Paul Volcker and Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam


14.00 - 16.50 Session 2: The Lending Sector
Session Chair: Holger Mueller (New York University)
14.00 _- 14.50 Monetary Stimulus and Bank Lending
Indraneel Chakraborty (University of Miami)
Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Andrew MacKinlay (Southern Methodist University)
Discussant: Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School)
14.50 _- 15.00 Break
15.00 _- 15.50 Mortgage Refinancing, Consumer Spending, and Competition: Evidence from
Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore)
Gene Amromin (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Souphala Chomsisengphet (OCC)
Tomasz Piskorski (Columbia University & NBER)
Amit Seru (University of Chicago & NBER)
Vincent Yao (Georgia State University)
Discussant: Johannes Stroebel (New York University)
15.50 - 16.00 Break
16.00 _- 16.50 Whatever It takes: The Real Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy
Viral V. Acharya (New York University, CEPR & NBER)
Tim Eisert (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Christian Eufinger (IESE Business School)
Christian Hirsch (Goethe University Frankfurt & SAFE)
Discussant: Taylor Begley (London Business School)
18.00 _- 21.00 Conference Dinner (By Invitation Only)


Saturday, April 16 2016

08.00 - 8.55 Breakfast


09.00 _- 11.50 Session 3: Sovereign Debt Markets
Session Chair: Jun Uno (Waseda University)
09.00 _- 09.50 The Invisible Hand of the Government: Moral Suasion During the European Sovereign Debt Crisis
Steven Ongena (University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute & CEPR)
Alexander Popov (European Central Bank)
Neeltje Van Horen (De Nederlandsche Bank & CEPR)
Discussant: Patrick Augustin (McGill University)
09.50 _- 10.00 Break
10.00 _- 10.50 QE Auctions of Treasury Bonds
Zhaogang Song (Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)
Haoxiang Zhu (MIT Sloan School of Management & NBER)
Discussant: Stefania D'Amico (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
10.50 - 11.00 Break
11.00 _- 11.50 The (Unintended?) Consequences of the Largest Liquidity Injection Ever
Matteo Crosignani (New York University Stern)
Miguel Faria-e-Castro (New York University)
LuÍs Fonseca (London Business School)
Discussant: Raj Iyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11.50 - 13.00 Lunch

by Joseph Cherian (National University of Singapore)



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