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MEFIM is a structural model of 61 equations and concerns the interrelationship between Italian and International monetary and financial variables. The variables are taken on a monthly basis.

The Italian market is divided into 4 sections:

  1. Inter bank Interest Rates: Overnight; 1,3 and 6 month Inter bank bid quotes; repo rate.
  2. Government Securities: BOT yields, 1 to 10-year term structure, yield on bank bonds (Rendiob); yield on treasury bonds with more than 1 year maturity (Rendistat).
  3. Bank Borrowing and Loan (Lending) Rates in both Marginal and Average Terms
  4. Bank Volumes: loans and deposits both at the total level and at some main disaggregations.
    The exogenous variables are the REPO rate of the European Central Bank, the Comit Stock Market Index, the Industrial Production Index and the Consumer Price Index.

The international market includes the 1 to 10-year Term Structure for the principal industrialised nations: U.S.A., Germany, Japan, France and the UK.
The exogenous variables are the intervention rate of the monetary authorities, the 3-month yield on Eurodeposits, the Stock Market Index, the Industrial Production Index, the Consumer Price Index and, for the U.S.A. and Germany, the Money Supply.

Also the US Dollar/Euro exchange rate simulations are provided.

In defining the optimum structure, the concepts of economic and financial theory are empirically tested by means of an econometric analysis. In particular, through the use of co-integration analysis, the long term structure that controls interest rates, bank deposits and loans has been identified so as to permit the insertion in the model of ECM (Error Correction Mechanism) equations.




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Monthly Econometric Financial International Model - MEFIM
Econometric Financial Regional Model - MEFR
Global Asset Model - GAM
GRETA Pension Fund Performance - GRETA-PFP
GRETA Regional Econometric Model - GREM

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