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Within the first 5 working days of any month, the results from MEFIM are made available in GRETA's Database. Clients can have access to a number of files by modem, using a password and identification code. As an alternative, the client can be provided with all the material via e mail.

The files are:

a. one file in ASCII format containing historical data and forecasts of interest rates and term structures, both as regards model variables and the variables calculated from them using the appropriate financial formulae.;

b. one file in ASCII format containing historical data and forecasts of bank volumes;

c. three WinWord files in 2.0 format, one of which contains a description of the international economic situation and that in Italy; a comment on the different scenario hypotheses, graphics of the forecasts of the Italian model with comments. The other two files contain tables that concern only the exogenous and endogenous variables of the Italian model (hence not those calculated with financial formulae) and the graphics of the time series of these variables ;

d. an Acrobat Reader file containing all the macroeconomic data of the files described in Item c.;

e. an Acrobat Reader file containing all the macroeconomic data obtained the previous month, arranged in the form of tables and by country or area of interest (USA, Japan, the Euro Zone).

For each time series, historical data covering the past two years a forecast for the following year are provided.
MEFIM is provided on a yearly contract basis and includes twelve reports issued monthly.



About GRETA Research Areas Products&Services

What we do
Principal clients
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Risk Management
Systemic Risk
Asset Allocation
Financial Portfolio Analysis & Evaluation
Option Pricing
Scenario Analysis
Statistical Research

Monthly Econometric Financial International Model - MEFIM
Econometric Financial Regional Model - MEFR
Global Asset Model - GAM
GRETA Pension Fund Performance - GRETA-PFP
GRETA Regional Econometric Model - GREM

Events Pubblications  
Sovereign Bond Markets Conferences
CREDIT Conferences
JAE 2005

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Old GRETA Working Papers

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