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The development of computers and the consequent increase in the rapidity of diffusion of information has set in motion a process of internationalisation of markets that makes them much more sensitive and reactive. The possibility of quantifying ex-ante the risks that a company may have to face according to the scenario is thus fundamental for any decisional process that has to face such a volatile economic environment.
To have available reliable simulations, based on different scenarios, permits the user, on the basis of his own assessments of what will be the effective development of the economic situation, to select the scenario that is considered the most probable instead of having to adopt the assessment of some economic forecasting organisation. Furthermore, it permits, in the course of any month, in the light of new data that may become available, to change the position to the scenario that most resembles reality.
The possibility of having additional simulations of scenarios made up by the user further increases the versatility of the MEFIM model.
The creation and running of an econometric model requires time, that is often not available, and skills that do not always exist within a financial institution or for which it is, at any rate, not convenient or not of interest, to bear the costs internally.
Thus the possibility of utilising qualified outside skills, that provide an adequate informative support for risk management, is of particular advantage.



About GRETA Research Areas Products&Services

What we do
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Risk Management
Systemic Risk
Asset Allocation
Financial Portfolio Analysis & Evaluation
Option Pricing
Scenario Analysis
Statistical Research

Monthly Econometric Financial International Model - MEFIM
Econometric Financial Regional Model - MEFR
Global Asset Model - GAM
GRETA Pension Fund Performance - GRETA-PFP
GRETA Regional Econometric Model - GREM

Events Pubblications  
Sovereign Bond Markets Conferences
CREDIT Conferences
JAE 2005

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Old GRETA Working Papers

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